In March 2021, UTS Group Turkey signed an agreement on cooperation under the international program "Responsible Care - Responsible Care" in the field of ensuring the openness and quality of distribution of chemical products and equipment.
The Responsible Care Initiative is a cross-sectoral program developed by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) with the participation of the European Chemical Distributors Association (FECC) and approved by the European Council of the Chemical Industry (CEFIC) in 2009. In the Russian Federation, at the national level, the program is being implemented by the Russian Union of Chemists. The program is aimed at continuous improvement of activities in the field of occupational safety, health and the environment.
The Responsible Care program, currently run by 54 associations, has been praised for its results. The main idea of the program is a commitment to continuous improvement of indicators in the field of ecology, health and safety. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has approved Responsible Care as a program that ensures the sustainable development of enterprises and the entire chemical industry as a whole.
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