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On October 10-14, UTS Group took part in the international exhibition of equipment, technologies, raw materials and ingredients for the food and processing industry Agroprodmash-2022. The advantage and uniqueness of the exhibition lies in the fact that the exposition demonstrates equipment and technologies for the entire chain: from the production of raw materials and ingredients to the production of the finished product, its packaging, quality control, cooling, storage and logistics solutions.
Agroprodmash 2022, together with UTS, was attended by 930 leading companies in the industry. We presented to the attention of the exhibition visitors a full range of food ingredients and additives offered for supply by UTS Group, such as: agar-agar, sodium alginate, gelatin, Mokate dry cream substitutes, gums, carrageenan, caffeine and taurine, modified starches, pectins, dried egg products, raw materials for the production of dietary supplements and sports nutrition.
Over the five busy days of work at the exhibition, we held many negotiations with customers and partners, discussed the terms of supply in the current conditions, and the possibilities for finding and selecting analogues by UTS specialists. Thank you to all visitors to our booth and see you next year!